Monday, March 30, 2009

Let the Right One Ken

But you know who really looks like Kenny is that little Swedish bugger from Let the Right One In. The following is an artist's rendering of what would happen if Kenny and ol' Kåre were to ever meet face to face:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Jack? More like Just Kenny.

The similarities between Sean Hayes of television's Will and Grace and Kenny go well beyond bone structure and that certain manboy-next-door je ne sais quoi. Here, have a look:

"Oh gosh" is right.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Marc Summers might be Kenny's biological father.

Exhibit A: Is that a rubber chicken? Kenny would almost certainly pose for a photograph with a rubber chicken, except in Kenny's photo it would be a stick of butter and he would be eating it instead of yelling at it.

Exhibit B: Speaking of yelling, does Marc Summers have gum in his mouth? Kenny loves gum.

Exhibit C: Marc Summers wrote a book called Everything In Its Place. Kenny loves Radiohead, too. Also, Kenny may not have written a book about his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but yesterday we caught him rearranging things in the ashtray.