Thursday, April 9, 2009

This one requires very little explanation:

It's the eyes.

(Thanks to Nicole for the tip.)

Monday, April 6, 2009

That which we call a Kenny...

I want you to get one thought out of your head immediately: the fact that Kenneth from 30 Rock happens to look strikingly like Kenny has nothing at all to do with the similarity in their names. Nothing. As evidence, here are some Kennies that look absolutely nothing like the real Kenny:

Kenny McCormick

Kenny Powers

Kenny Rogers, pre- or post-op.

Kenny G

There now, glad we've got that all squared away.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Breaking News!

Apparently Michael Sarver, a.k.a. the one who kind of looks like Kenny, was kicked off of American Idol last week, thus proving that it takes a bit more than kind of looking like Kenny to coast on through the competition. (Incidentally, Megan's departure from the show last night proves that it also takes a good deal more than singing uncannily like a goat.) Sorry, Michael, the public has spoken and You're Just Not Good Enough.

Also, did anyone else think that Adam Lambert's rendition of "Play That Funky Music White Boy" rated pretty high on a scale of one to he kind of looks like Matthew circa 2003?

But that's another story for another blog, really.